ALAT BERAT MUNGIL - Dedi Mulyadi minta alat berat untuk menghancurkan bangunan Hibisc Fantasy Puncak Bogor, Kamis (6/3/2025). Ternyata yang datang malah kecil. TRIBUNJATIM.COM - Dedi Mulyadi ...
Lindsborg will host its annual Våffeldagen celebration on March 22. Local restaurants will offer sweet and savory waffle dishes for the occasion. Attendees are encouraged to wear waffle-themed ...
PEMBUNUHAN CINTA NOVITA - Dua Pelaku Pembunuhan Cinta Novita Sari sudah ditangkap Polisi. Pria Berinisial BM ditangkap di tanah datar, sementara pelaku utama bernama Noval ditangkap di Provinsi Aceh ...
The move by the Spartanburg, South Carolina-based brand comes weeks after fellow breakfast chain Waffle House added an egg surcharge. The 70-year-old Denny's brand involves 1,499 restaurants ...
Saudi Arabia - Alat, a unit of Saudi wealth fund PIF, today (February 24) entered into an agreement with TK Elevator (TKE), a global leader in vertical transportation and urban mobility, for setting ...
IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya tulis yang dibuat adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab dari penulis.
Alat, a unit of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, has bought 15% of TK Elevator and unveiled a joint venture that will make escalators and moving walkways, as the kingdom looks to boost ...
Denny's has announced that it will be adding a temporary surcharge to meals that include eggs, joining Waffle House in adjusting prices due to supply challenges. In a statement to ABC News on ...
Denny's has announced that it will be adding a temporary surcharge to meals that include eggs, joining Waffle House in adjusting prices due to supply challenges. In a statement to ABC News on Monday, ...
SIDANG SENGKETA PILKADA - Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Putusan final sengketa Pilkada 2024 bakal dibacakan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Senin (24/2/2025) hari ini ...
Feb 24 (Reuters) - (This Feb. 24 story has been corrected to say 160 million euros, not $160 million, in paragraph 1) Saudi Arabia's new advanced industries firm Alat has bought a 15% stake in ...