There are several communities in Massachusetts offering rain barrels at a discounted price to supplement outdoor water needs.
Ogden City, in partnership with the Utah Rivers Council, offers discounted rain barrels to encourage water conservation.
The workshops come at a critical time as recent drought conditions have highlighted the importance of water conservation.
The Harrisonburg Public Works Department partnered with the Shenandoah Valley Soil and Water Conservation District to host a ...
Communities up and down the Wasatch Front have had to grapple with how best to conserve water, and they will continue to do ...
A garden that also, not inconsequentially, draws 44,000 gallons of water from the city’s overworked stormwater system per year. That’s enough to fill the average backyard swimming pool three ...
According to Project Rain Barrel, a 55-gallon rain barrel can save up to 1,300 gallons of water each year. If you would like to make your own rain barrel you can contact Polk County Conservation for ...
The Scott SWCD is selling the 55-gallon rain barrels to homes ... bills by decreasing the amount of water going into the sewer system. The water-saving effort decreases energy consumption used ...