Brownsville, Texas will soon be home to the first 3D printed Starbucks drive-thru. The building is being built using COBOD ...
Alquist 3D specializes in concrete construction printing. As they build their business, they’re also building an industry.
Endeavor 3D now offers HP PA 12 Flame Retardant (FR) material - boasting a high level of reuse, low cost per part, and ...
"This hands-on approach helps develop problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and creativity," an expert told Newsweek.
The team, led by Sammy Tin, revealed that the Mach-X vehicles will travel at speeds faster than Mach 5, which is five times ...
Today you are in luck. As we have mentioned countless times before, the 3D printing revolution is here, impacting everything from the medical world to the food industry. In fact, during the ...
Furthermore, due to their low cost, ease of manufacture, versatility, and water resistance, plastics are used in a wide variety of products and sectors, including 3D printing. What plastics can be ...
Roman architecture, celebrated for its grandeur, precision, and technical innovations, has fascinated historians and enthusiasts for centuries. By blending functionality and aesthetics, it ...
When the Terran 1 launches, it will bring to life Relativity’s biggest project to date, a massive 3D-printed rocket larger than any other 3D-printed object ever created to go to orbit.
Hybrid rocket engines offer perks from both worlds, with simple solid fuel and the ability to throttle down by regulating oxidizer flow. Naturally, [Integza] decided he should try and 3D print one.
[Sam Rogers] and colleagues at [AX Technologies] have been testing and developing a small liquid-fueled rocket engine and successfully used vortex cooling to protect a resin 3D printed combustion ...
Advances in 3D printing, also called additive manufacturing, are capturing attention in the health care field because of their potential to improve treatment for certain medical conditions. A ...