Start 3D printing at the Wood County District Public Library on Monday at 2 p.m. in the Bowling Green library Learning Lab. This FreeCAD course will teach you about the computer assisted design (CAD) ...
The expansion of 3D printing and the use of this technology can take production and creation to infinite levels,” the owner ...
Whether you enjoy improving your home setup or experimenting with functional gadgets, there are many helpful tools you can ...
A 3D printer designed to make food one layer at a time using graphene and AI has been developed by a team of researchers at ...
A Pokemon fan takes to social media to share a Houndoom-shaped Poke Ball they crafted, including multiple angles and details ...
Most people complain when their 3D printers start “air printing.” This is what we call it when your printer has a major clog ...
The jewelry industry, known for its meticulous craftsmanship and age-old traditions, is currently experiencing a ...
If you are the proud owner of an aquarium full of fish, then you know that discovering a new accessory to add to the tank is ...
The first 3D scanner I got was the Revopoint MetroX. Although I was entirely new to the technology, I quickly realized its ...
Some camps prepare kids for the school year ahead, while others focus on topics such as robotics, video game design and ...
Katsu’s Dojo 3D celebrated its grand opening recently with a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Mechanicsburg Chamber of ...
Kristin Soukup heard about InZone, Harper College’s enrichment and sports camp four years ago, when a breakroom chat turned ...