Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic enters our oceans. Scientists warn that by 2040, plastic waste in our seas could triple, threatening marine life and potentially our ...
You won’t find premium audio with the JBL Tune 310C, but they do have an impressive set of features, comfortable in-ear fit, ...
From the frozen ice caps of the polar regions to the warm waters of the tropical coral reefs, from deep sea vents to shallow seagrass beds, the oceans contain the greatest diversity of life on Earth.
The fiber drums market share analysis is poised for significant growth, with projections estimating its value to exceed USD 2 ...
Mancherial: Around 25 plastic drums used in a gobar gas plant were gutted when fire broke out in the defunct Mancherial Cement Company (MCC) plant here on Friday. The cause of the fire is not known.
Plastic packaging can have substantially smaller environmental impacts—including 70% lower greenhouse gas emissions—compared to other packaging materials, according to a new study. The findings ...
Plastic pollution negotiations make headway In December, countries moved closer to finalizing a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution. During talks in Busan, Republic of Korea, ...