Sensors attached to animals gather valuable data to track and mitigate the human influence on marine life. A Kobe University ...
What exactly is this unusual blue sea creature? Get to know one of the more unusual members of the sea slug family in our ...
In the cold, lightless Pacific Ocean deep, the seabed is scattered with metal-rich rocks coveted by miners—and huge numbers ...
Deep below the surface of the ocean in the South China Sea, a robot named “discovery” searched the seafloor for life. Faxian, ...
Genomic analysis suggests that the ancestors of lizards on Fiji today rafted from North America some 30 million years ago.
Rhythmic clicks, grunts and roars fill the Año Nuevo Island Reserve in California, home to a large breeding colony of ...
Even more riveting is the later struggle to the ocean of each tiny ... Highly migratory animals, they often travel hundreds of miles to reach their nesting beach, usually the same beach they ...
"A subtle yet poignant reminder." Diver captures stunning photo of rare sea creature caught in haunting predicamen​​t: ...
"Then along comes a predator” – but it couldn't have expected this ...