The Jordan - Montessori Lyceum Utrecht in Zeist is definitively closing the grades section of Magister for parents. The school hopes to reduce the pressure on students to perform by doing so. “Why ...
University language studies are struggling due to low student numbers. In light of budget cuts, some universities are abolishing French and German studies or choosing to merge them. Tekst Maaike Lange ...
The focus on promising advice is counterproductive. Too many students are moving on to a level they cannot handle. Practical education is noticing this in a declining inflow and a higher lateral ...
Teachers employed by the Xpect Primair board in Tilburg will from now on be given four weeks leave with retention of salary when they become a father. The Tilburg school board considers it important ...
The school, the Kennemer College Beroepsgericht, published yesterday afternoon after a conversation with Keeman a joint message on the website. The purpose of Keeman's exemption was to give him a rest ...
Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven asks science financier NWO to allocate 20 million euros for researchers with a 'corona delay'. She writes this in a letter to the Lower House. Tekst Hoger Onderwijs ...
A quarter of students from outside the European Union who initially planned to study in the Netherlands from September are unlikely to come. This is the conclusion of a study by the ...
De relatieve onderwijsuitgaven van de overheid zullen de komende jaren nog verder dalen dan eerder voorzien, naar 4,8 procent ...
Het kabinet wil de onderlinge concurrentie in het hoger onderwijs afzwakken. Universiteiten en hogescholen krijgen daartoe een wettelijke plicht tot samenwerking, blijkt uit een brief van onderwijsmin ...