The Doomsday Clock was set at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest the Clock has ever been to midnight in its 78-year history.
IDTechEx forecasts that the continued growth of artificial intelligence will result in over 2000 TWh of energy being consumed ...
As Queenslanders swelter through another day of high temperatures and humidity, another three units at coal fired power stations are offline. These power stations are not able to meet demand.
Legalise Cannabis Australia senate candidates have accused Meta of hypocrisy for the continuous censorship of their party on ...
The Australian Ballet’s Storytime Ballet presents The Sleeping Beauty, a timeless tale beautifully designed in an interactive ...
Artists from across Brisbane will gather at Victoria Park-Barrambin on Monday January 27 as part of an urgent campaign to ...
A petition on calling for an end to January 26 being celebrated as "Australia Day" has surpassed 26,000 signatures ...