For years, scientists felt like the fish they were watching watched them back. A new study suggests they can recognize a ...
A gruesome discovery was made on a Spanish island frequented by British tourists. A severed human foot and lower leg was ...
Cyprus Defense Minister Vasilis Palmas stated on Tuesday that the chances of finding more survivors from a refugee boat that capsized off the island's southeastern coast are "increasingly unlikely." ...
Turkey’s Atmaca (“Hawk”) anti-ship cruise missile is part of the country’s growing push to rely on domestic systems rather than foreign-produced technologies.
Editorial Roundup: United States
The Arab plan envisions a rebuilding effort in three phases. The first, projected to last six months, would focus on clearing Gaza of rubble and unexploded ordnance, building 200,000 temporary homes ...
Delicious is one of the recent additions to Netflix's catalog. Set in France, it is an intense drama that follows a German ...
PAUL B. STARES is General John W. Vessey Senior Fellow for Conflict Prevention at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he also directs the Center for Preventive Action.
The Maltese government and Carnival Corporation have announced the first Shore Power Purchase Agreement in the Mediterranean ...
The red coral colonies that were transplanted a decade ago on the seabed of the Medes Islands have survived successfully.
The famous captain Kate McCue, who recently left Celebrity Cruises, has now moved to Four Seasons to bring out an ...
Four Seasons Yachts has announced the appointment of Captain Kate McCue as the inaugural Captain of Four Seasons I, the first ...
The Ionian League, was a confederation of twelve Ionian Greek city-states located along the coast of Asia Minor.