With handful of start-ups on board from Hermeus to Venus Aerospace, hypersonic commercial flights could soon become a reality ...
Kratos’ CEO Eric DeMarco disclosed the development of a new internally funded hypersonic drone, with a focus on affordability ...
Company executives said they expect to hire more than 100 people, from machinists to engineers, who will earn an average of ...
Kratos already has built a hypersonic portfolio with a pair of hypersonic glide vehicles called Erinyes and Dark Fury. Both ...
Capable of flying over 3,700 miles per hour while maneuvering to evade enemy defenses, these missiles are transforming the global balance The emergence of hypersonic weapons, ... Continue Reading → ...
But the milestone continued to be pushed back after several aborted tests in 2023 due to challenges ... in which the Common Hypersonic Glide Body achieved hypersonic speed at target distances ...
Airmen conduct preflight checks on a B-52H Stratofortress in preparation for a flight test of the Air Force's hypersonic AGM-183A ... shield as a mechanism to speed up the approval process.
A federal judge says a contractor’s challenge to a multibillion ... GPI is designed to defend against hypersonic missiles, which travel many times the speed of sound, during their “glide ...
The Pentagon is weighing options to establish new flight corridors to test hypersonic weapons over the ... homeland missile shield as a mechanism to speed up the approval process.