Insure your 2005 Argo ATV for just $75/year.* Savings: We offer low rates and plenty of discounts. More riding freedom: You’re covered if you take your ATV off your property. No need for extra ...
If one assemblyman has his way, the state could soon adopt Bigfoot, a.k.a. Sasquatch, as its latest official emblem. Assemblyman Chris Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) authored AB 666 in hopes of making ...
One small step for man, and an even smaller step for Bigfoot. A new bill in California’s state legislature seeks to recognize the elusive Bigfoot as the state’s official cryptid.
A California legislator has introduced a bill that would make Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, the official cryptid. The text of the bill reads for now: It is the intent of the Legislature to ...
California may soon have an official mythical creature — and naturally, it’s Bigfoot. Assemblymember Chris Rogers, who represents a stretch of the North Coast that has long been considered ...
A growing number of automakers and their dealers are taking a page from DoorDash: When your car needs repairs or maintenance, the technician comes to you, like a driver dropping off dinner at your ...
Bryce made a surprising discovery at the cabin that Russell had been occupying. What is “Expedition Bigfoot” about? Watch as an elite team comprised of Bryce Johnson, Dr. Mireya Mayor ...
But a terrified camper claims he was left cowering in his tent after being woken up by the 15-foot sasquatch. Troy Olivadoti was solo-camping in Oregon's Rogue National Forest, infamous for ...
Times of San Diego will send you the top local and state news at 8 a.m., 365 days a year, plus alert you to major breaking news. Sign up By clicking sign up, you agree to our terms. Forest, a ...
AB-666 (part of the inside joke), introduced by Assemblymember Chris Rogers of Santa Rosa, who represents California’s 2nd District, would adopt Bigfoot as the official state cryptid.
National Marketing Manager Steve Lawler talks with his National Sales Director Johnny Hayes about adding dealers and talking ...