Everyone is aware of the iconic school bus yellow, but have you ever stopped to think about the black lines on the side of the bus? Here's what they do.
Take, for example, the traffic lights, or danger signs, which are red in color ... As per the rules, they are supposed to stop as soon as a school bus starts flashing its yellow light as it ...
Kimberly school bus drivers have reported 76 drivers to police for failing to stop as students get on & off the bus.
West Virginia authorities released a shocking video of a driver speeding past a school bus and nearly hitting a student who ...
New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
Drivers ignoring school bus laws are not unique to Livonia, but parents and school bus drivers in the area told me they are ...
The Hillsboro Police Department is condemning any driver who ignore the stop sign on a school bus while children are loading or unloading.
State Police are looking into a group's buses as they do not have any stop signs. The John Boner Neighborhood Centers says ...
Bryan Newton has a full time job managing facilities at Camp Cedar Cliff. Still, he gets up at 5 a.m. every morning to drive ...
The child was getting off the school bus when a white Lincoln sedan flew around the corner and nearly hit them. A resident of the area Dara Lane who's grandson gets off at the same bus stop said ...