Entrance fees are waived at Wright Wright Brothers National Memorial on Saturday, April 19 to kick off National Park Week.
The Delta Flight Museum has undergone a significant upgrade on the 100th anniversary of Delta Air Lines' founding.
Some airplanes are graceful, beautiful machines that soar effortlessly through the sky. Others, not so much. Which airplanes ...
While the Wright brothers are widely recognized as the fathers of flight, Brazilians believe the true inventor of the ...
From aerial crop dusting pioneer to global megacarrier – marking 100 years of operations of Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines.
Local politicians want the 1905 Wright Flyer III to be the official aircraft of Ohio. Senate Bill 24 of the 136th General Assembly was proposed to adopt the 1905 Wright Flyer ...
Many local residents still remember the Port O’Maine Airport, a private airport that was in operation on the South ...
DEARBORN, Mich. – The Dearborn Inn has officially reopened after being closed for two years for an extensive restoration. The ...
Pennsylvania is one of the oldest states in the USA, with a rich history of aviation. Pittsburgh, in particular, has been home to many flying feats, such as Gustave Whitehead’s motorized flight in ...
The National Air and Space Museum is located between 6th Street and Independence Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of ...
When the Wright brothers finally succeeded in getting their flyer airborne, many didn’t believe they had really done it.
The Wright Brothers achieved the first heavier-than-air, sustained, powered flight in 1903. After that ... Visitors, and also explore the Texas Air Museum located at Stinson. Pearson Field in the Fort ...