The whale that washed ashore back in November is in its final stages as a team from the Museum of Alaska in Wasilla is ...
The Museum of Alaska in Wasilla, formerly known as the Alaska Museum of Transportation and Industry, plans to take possession of whale's skeleton for use in an eventual educational display ...
The Museum of Alaska in Wasilla, formerly known as the Alaska Museum of Transportation and Industry, plans to take possession of whale’s skeleton for use in an eventual educational display ...
Chris Harvey-Clark, a university veterinarian, spoke to the CBC's Alex Guye about what it takes to preserve a whale skeleton. Canadian water sovereignty in the spotlight as U.S. pauses Columbia ...
Her husband, Jim Borrowman, spent years collecting specimens that were on display at the centre, which began in 2002 and housed skeletons of a resident killer whale, Bigg’s killer whale, humpback ...
Her husband, Jim Borrowman, spent years collecting specimens that were on display at the centre, which began in 2002 and housed skeletons of a resident killer whale, Bigg’s killer whale ...
While the condition of the whale presented substantially more work in skeleton preparation, it also provided a rare opportunity to examine the bone structure of the whale's flipper. "Most blue whale ...
Whales are huge, long-lived mammals. The blue whale is the largest animal that’s ever lived on Earth — it is bigger than the dinosaurs. It can live an estimated 80 to 90 years! The bowhead whale, a ...
Conservationists are aiming to raise £80,000 to restore the enormous skeleton of a whale that washed ashore in East Yorkshire 200 years ago. The whale, known as Constable Moby or 'Mo', is a 58ft ...
A dead whale washed up on the Delaware River near the Delaware Memorial Bridge on Sunday morning. Ritter Dragonfly Dronography captured photos of the whale on Sunday at Pigeon Point. The Marine ...
Not far from Jerusalem, archaeologists have discovered the fifth-century burial of a person wrapped in heavy metal chains. But the Byzantine-era grave held another surprise: The person who had ...