An expedition crew led by Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen found the famous USS Juneau, where the five Sullivan brothers perished during WWII, 4,200 meters below the surface on the floor of the ...
The sprawling collection features thousands upon thousands of items, including miniature figurines, artifacts, model trucks ...
Join me as I explore the process of creating this diorama, from conceptualization to the completion of the smallest details. This is not just a work of art, but a story of the confrontation ...
HMCS Ottawa’s months-long deployment to the Indo-Pacific marked the first time Petty ... Watching from the deck of the ship was son Corey, a sailor (first class) who had sailed with dad before ...
The Marine Corps stood up a unit last week meant to sow "chaos and uncertainty" for its adversaries in the Pacific, according to a news release, adding the service's first U.S. anti-ship missile ...
“[South Korea’s] ability to conduct large-scale maintenance to USNS ships within the Indo-Pacific theater demonstrates the strong strategic partnership between [South Korea] and the United ...
representing the estimated 6 million women who entered the workforce during World War II to help build planes, ships and bombs for the war effort. "Rosie" symbolizes female empowerment and the ...
Australia has made sure the world is aware of China’s movements in international waters in the South Pacific, issuing daily location updates from trailing Australian Navy ships and spy planes.
P&O’s ship Pacific Aria departed Brisbane on May 5, 2017 for a seven-day cruise and sailed into the path of category 5 Cyclone Donna. Carnival is the cruise line’s parent company. Firm Carter ...
This forces its carriers to travel with an accompanying fuel-carrying ship, known as an oiler ... roaming far into the Indian Ocean and the Eastern Pacific. It could operate for longer periods ...
The Inner Harbour is Victoria's primary tourist draw. The busy harbor – home to sailboats, yachts, floatplanes and whale watching Zodiacs – is framed by wide pedestrian streets and, in the ...