Substituting 10 grams of butter a day with an equal amount of plant-based oil was associated with an estimated 17% reduction ...
A new study suggests that replacing butter with plant-based oils like soybean, canola, and olive oil could significantly ...
Just over a quarter of all of Phelps County’s agricultural land is used to plant soybeans according to the Nebraska ...
As soybean growers evaluate input decisions for 2025, return on investment once again reigns supreme as a critical factor in a rollercoaster market.
A field agronomist in eastern Missouri says farmers should be monitoring soybeans for red crown rot, a new soil-borne fungal disease in the state. “About the time you’re spraying fungicide is probably ...
Replacing butter with plant-based oils like soybean and olive oil may lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, boosting ...
When growing soybeans, the first thing farmers need to explore is where they can get those "free bushels," says Randy Dowdy. One of the most important factors to consider is planting date, ...
Unfertilized soybean fields with lower soil fertility should be planted earlier than high-fertility fields, according to a ...
Researchers analyzed prospective data on the dietary intake of 200,000-plus adults and noted how many died from cancer.
In North Dakota, many farmers are still recovering from the 2018 trade war and are now bracing for more losses as President ...
Across Canada's prairie provinces, farmers in Saskatchewan expect seeding of wheat to be little changed from 2024 at 14.2 million acres, while in Alberta farmers expect to plant 6.6% more wheat in ...
If you follow a vegan, plant-based, or vegetarian diet — or simply want to mix up your protein sometimes — there are plenty ...