As the Commanding Officer of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw, Jeannette Greene is breaking through barriers and clearing the way for those who come after her. The North Stars: In the March issue ...
The U.S. now operates only two aging icebreakers: the 27-year-old medium icebreaker USCGC Healy and the 49-year-old heavy icebreaker USCGC Polar Star. The Coast Guard’s other heavy icebreaker ...
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw, was loaded up with more than 1,200 Christmas trees Tuesday in Cheboygan. The trees will be transported to Chicago next week to be given to families in the Chicago ...
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw (WLBB 30) is assigned to manage western Lake Superior’s ice-breaking needs, specifically the twin ports of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. U.S. Coast ...
The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw clears passageways on the bay of Green Bay from Marinette to Sturgeon Bay. The Mackinaw is set to begin establishing initial icebreaking tracks into Green Bay ...
STURGEON BAY - The Lake Michigan Sector of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter announced Friday ... at 8 a.m. Monday and the Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw is scheduled to begin icebreaking operations ...