And at Sebring, Tandy can now join a less exclusive — but no less prestigious — club of drivers that have won endurance racing’s traditional Triple Crown of Le Mans, Daytona and the Sebring 12 Hours.
It means that the Chinese phone giant has been able to cram a giant 10.2-inch screen into its Huawei Mate XT Ultimate Design. Huawei is calling it "the world's first commercial tri-fold smartphone".
Screen on one half, keyboard on the other ... it’s doing just that with super-tall screens, double screens, triple screens… They’re all on display, but most won’t make it to market.
Like many professionals who work remotely, I love working from home for one key reason: No, it’s not so I can wear pajamas to work (which I do), but so I can use my dual or triple-screen setup.
Even though this is technically a stacked monitor setup, it actually functions like a triple-monitor setup since I have two Chrome windows side by side up top and another one down below that I ...