Fully autonomous UAVs open up possibilities for market growth, operational efficiency, and security, writes Swift Engineering ...
With six cyclorotors, the BlackBird from CycloTech is designed to take off and land vertically, move sideways, brake mid-air and even parallel park.
MACAO, March 21 (Xinhua) -- "We call our flying car 'Never Late', as you'll never be late for school by using it," said Sit Iong, a senior-one student from Escola Fong Chong (Fong Chong School) of ...
The 1917 Curtiss Autoplane is one of the earliest attempts to create a flying car. Designed by aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss ...
Scottish Gas and Scottish Rugby have released a landmark report with respected Applied Futurist Tom Cheesewright imagining the next 100 years ...
Housing affordability is the least-met need in Cincinnati, according to a new survey. The survey was conducted to guide the city budget-making process. Residents also prioritize pothole repairs and ...
Elon Musk unveils a flying Tesla Roadster using SpaceX thrusters while explaining why hydrogen fuel cells won’t shape the ...
OKI plans to help five local airports prepare for flying cars. OKI will hire a firm to develop electrical infrastructure at ...
So, how’s this great new future working out for you then? Still no flying cars or teleportation devices, I notice. But at least we’ve got ...
The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments hopes to help five small local airports prepare for a future that ...
Lift Aircraft, a company that specializes in single-person aircraft, introduced the Hexa, a single person flying machine that ...
Marissa Mayer has spent her career at the centre of some of Silicon Valley's biggest moments. She was among Google's earliest ...