With the collective background of singing in various barbershop choruses throughout Northeast Ohio, Gospel Disciples in Song was formed in the summer of 2023. The goal of the 18-member men’s vocal ...
Longtime frontman of the Jackson Southernaires, Huey P. Williams, died peacefully at his home in Smithdale, Mississippi on ...
The first time Jermy Johnson saw Denton icon John Freeman perform in the late ’90s, Johnson recalls a colossal show: people ...
The challenges of Southern California traffic left many empty seats when Keith Williams Jr. and choir kicked off the festivities by singing a gospel-ized ... MVP Freddie Freeman, pitcher Clayton ...
School choirs and adult singing groups are going head to head to compete for the biggest crowd reaction. The Clash of the Choirs returns for its ninth year in Wedmore, Somerset, on Saturday.
"It's the music of an unhappy people singing themselves ... and percussion with a "backwoods gospel" and "Snarky Puppy fusion-jazz" twist, said Baxter. The group will feature "talking drums ...
He was a licensed Baptist preacher, led a Gospel singing group called “The Way, The Truth and The Life” and was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Somewhere along the way, he found that ...
Two gospel singing groups, the Hardeman Boys and Cornerstone Quartet, crossed paths at a youth rally in Bremen, Georgia, in 1989. Three decades later, they shared a stage again. This time they ...
After some thought, Hakim decided to switch keys after realizing the more the merrier, and this coed group was composed. The Riffters is home to 11 members who all share one thing in common: their ...