Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event.
The Diavik diamond mine in Canada is using solar energy to offset carbon emissions. Rio Tinto is the company behind this ...
Your tomatoes may be winding down for the season, but you can reuse the space to grow a fresh crop of cool-weather vegetables ...
Solar lights can seem like magic. They turn the light from the sun into usable electricity, making for beautiful garden ...
My garden soil requires a jackhammer when digging a new hole for plants. With some back issues and a bad knee, container ...
Ivy is the perfect house plant for a hanging basket in the shade, being tolerant of low light and providing evergreen foliage ...
Sunflowers are superb but not always suited to every garden. Here are plenty of other options to introduce brilliant sunny ...
Flower gardening is always most effortless when you have plenty of sun to work with, but this is only sometimes possible.
It can be alarming if a peace lily begins wilting and the leaves turn yellow but this is due to one simple mistake most ...
Most of us aren't spending our days watching our houseplants grow. We see their signs of life only occasionally—a new leaf ...
Position your plant where it will get plenty of light but in summer move it out of strong sunlight as this will cause leaf ...
The anticipation of cheerful spring bulbs can keep the gardener going through the dull winter months. John Hoyland advises on ...