As March draws to a close it marks the quarter point of 2025. Now is a great time to take stock of the year so far, and the ...
In conjunction with the NHL and NewsChannel 5 (WTVF), the Predators will be part of a unique initiative with a broadcast of ...
THE INDEPENDENT VIEW: Editorial: The loss of No 10’s director of communications after just nine months should come as a ...
After ChatGPT-generated images in the style of Studio Ghibli drew criticism online, OpenAI has shared a response addressing ...
Fan artist Marvin Dula offers a bold visual blueprint for the upcoming Gundam live-action adaptation by Legendary Pictures.
As a nod to "The Office," the new Chili's will have a mid-2000s theme and will bring back the "awesome blossom," a long-discontinued onion dish celebrated by Michael Scott.
YouTube is flooded with fake movie trailers following AI's rise — and studios are making money out of bogus videos for ...
Engineers are exploring propulsion methods that could enable longer-distance travel ...
Animation is the one screen medium that allows an artist to unlock the most potential out of the story they want to tell, ...