Sci-fi fans, is it fair for Hulu to take away all ... the Earth through an underwater portal from another dimension. Seems simple enough, right? Things get complicated because Jaegers can only ...
Don't judge these films by their pre-release skepticism! Join us as we count down movies that defied expectations and ...
Stick around after the closing credits for the next showtime, though, and a rather different movie will come up: October 8, ...
Dear Rector, distinguished guests,As the philosopher Schopenhauer once remarked, one should use common words to say uncommon things. (Image: Veikko ...
Lit fests across India are bridging the gap between the reader and writer and giving a platform to regional writers and their ...
From iconic yet disastrous cult classics like Plan 9 from Outer Space to spectacular modern misfires like Cats, these are the worst movies ever made.
ORGAN CONCERT, March 30 at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of Franklin, corner of E. Madison St. and N. Water St. Marek ...
Get free accounts and keys for BioShock Infinite on Steam! Find out how easy it is to access the game and dive into the ...
Back in 2023, we introduced you to an unconventional space exploration survival game from Polish developer 11 Bit Studios ...
The Third Rule of Time Travel’ by Philip Fracassi ...
Salman Rushdie has a collection of novellas and short stories coming out this fall. It's his first published fiction since ...