Throughout Hollywood history, space has often been depicted with baffling inaccuracies. It takes dedication and knowledge to ensure a movie correctly portrays space and space travel, and here are a ...
Since then, there has been speculation about what business would fill the space. I spoke with Sean Alexander ... he said he loves the outdoor scene in Chattanooga. After moving, he saw a need ...
Now, Deagan has plans for a homecoming as he'll open an arcade bar in the space. Related Dan Deagan ... Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012.
This “Reporter’s Notebook” column first appeared in web_crawlr, the Daily Dot’s internet culture newsletter. If you want to read content like this a day before we publish it, Sign up for ...
Torn Space continues in that vein with their latest film-to-play SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE. It might help to go back to the 1970s, a transformative decade for cinema, marked by experimentation ...
Swift fans might recognize some of the interiors of the estate from the "Blank Space" video. (The exterior scenes were filmed at the nearby Oheka Castle). The 11-time Grammy Award winner ...