Livestream videos show the Japan's Space One Kairos rocket explode seconds after launching Wednesday with a satellite bound ...
No private Japanese company has successfully sent a satellite into space via rocket. Space One's first attempt in March with its inaugural Kairos rocket ended abruptly when it exploded five ...
While the US and China accounted for the lion’s share, Tokyo-based company Space One is paving the way for Japan’s space industry to catch up, by aspiring to provide the country’s first ...
Japan Adjusts Its Space Development Approach To Spur Startups is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical ...
Japan's Taisei Corp is developing unique technologies focused on the bumpy surface of the moon, involving the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's lunar mapping technology. With gravity of ...
The coming ispace lunar landing would mark a paradigm shift in space operations – something Japan has seen coming for over a decade. The company, ispace, is one of the first private entities to ...
The International Space Station is scheduled to be destroyed by 2030, but there are several stations under construction that could carry on its work.
In a 2007 test, China used a ground-launched missile to destroy one of its own ... are interfering with Japanese satellites. China and Russia are apparently developing space weapons, including ...