The United States Space Force should pivot its focus to keeping pace with weaponry used in orbit by the nation's ...
One of DARPA’s concerns is that Russia has allegedly developed a nuclear space-based, anti-satellite weapon that may be ...
China's recent synchronized satellite maneuvers in low Earth orbit signal a shift in space warfare tactics, prompting ...
China is practicing “dogfighting” satellites as part of its expanding capabilities in space, according to the United States ...
US military officials believe Russia and China are aggressively testing new offensive space capabilities, pointing to a ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
The maneuvers, initially identified by commercial satellites, took place in 2024. They involved three Shiyan-24C experimental satellites and two Chinese experimental space objects, the Shijian-6 05A/B ...
A senior official warned the U.S. risks losing its edge in space as strategic adversaries continue making gains at "an eye-watering pace." ...
Guetlein listed the satellite dogfighting ... its satellites from enemy attacks and through offensive measures of its own. “The purpose of the Space Force is to guarantee space superiority ...
The United States is approaching a turning point in space security, and needs to step up its game before Russia and China close the gap in capabilities, a U.S. Space Force general said.
China is also developing anti-satellite missiles and directed-energy attacks that use lasers or similar systems to attack other satellites. “This is a PLA space force that’s being built ...