Through it all, the harsh terrain has done an absolute number on the rover's wheels. As seen in a recently shared image taken by Curiosity's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), giant gashes can be seen ...
After over 11 years of exploring the harsh Martian landscape, NASA’s Curiosity Rover is showing visible signs of wear and ...
Mars destroys tires — so NASA reinvented the wheel by giving it a memory. Following is a transcript of the video. NASA has reinvented the tire. These rover tires are made from a nickel-titanium ...
This movie shows the robot wiggling its wheels as it stands next to its landing platform. Read more: China releases videos of its Zhurong Mars rover BBC weather presenter Ben Rich has the latest ...
The latest in a long line of educator resources released by NASA is an Open Source Rover designed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Once completed, ROV-E became a fixture at JPL public events and ...