The giant extinct shark species known as the megalodon has captured the interest of scientists and the general public alike, ...
New research reignites debate over the size of this extinct giant, also suggesting it looked unlike a great white ...
A man needed 91 stitches after being bitten by a 300lb shark while on a fishing trip in South Africa. Curtis Miller, 29, from ...
Megalodon may have been up to 80 feet long, but the colossal extinct shark was also probably thinner than scientists ...
Few divers would give up the chance to swim with the two largest fish in the sea—whale sharks and basking sharks. Here's ...
Watching a great white shark shoot out of the water only a few feet from your boat is chilling! Listen to this crowd react!
Megalodon, the largest shark, was probably slimmer and longer than previously believed, a new study has revealed. Scientists ...
With no living relatives alive today, megalodon sharks were unique in that they were endothermic (warm-blooded), similar to opah fish ... how big its head and tail were and then added those ...
“We have a vertebral column that’s known, and if we assume that that’s the complete trunk length, then why can’t we estimate the head length and a tail ... fish, such as a lemon shark.
Florida has some interesting critters that may be worth eating. Try the alligator and skip the python, next time you are ...