One sailor was treated at the scene but declined ... vessels are being closely monitored for structural integrity.” The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has been deployed to the site and ...
The Marine Corps stood up a unit last week meant to sow "chaos and uncertainty" for its adversaries in the Pacific, according to a news release, adding the service's first U.S. anti-ship missile ...
A third Marine Corps squadron of F-35B Lightning II fighters arrived in Japan over the weekend, marking the latest step in the service’s efforts to modernize its deployed forces in the Indo-Pacific.
Anduril has won a potential 10-year, $642.2 million contract to install and deliver systems at Marine Corps bases seeking to counter unmanned aircraft. The service branch received 10 proposals for ...
An infantry battalion known as the “China Marines,” has been reborn as a littoral combat team as part of the Marine Corps’ force structure changes that focus on China and the Pacific.
The Marine Corps announced a pilot program last month that will allow senior enlisted Marines to reenlist to the end of their service limitation without having to submit recurring -- and often ...
New U.S. Marines with India Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, completed the 13-week training course at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. Family and friends reunited with their Marines ...
A former sailor pleaded guilty to plotting an attack on Naval Station Great Lakes, possibly on behalf of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Department of Justice announced Thursday.
on Nov. 5 pleaded guilty to planning an attack on the Naval Station Great Lakes on behalf of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ... Pang was a U.S. Navy sailor and stationed and residing ...