In March the bright winter constellations of Canis Major, Canis Minor, Orion, Gemini, Taurus and Auriga fill the southern sky stretching all the way to zenith — the point directly overhead. Directly ...
The Winter Circle, which includes Sirius and Procyon (from the Winter Triangle), Castor and Pollux (from the Mars Triangle), as well as Rigel, Capella, and Aldebaran, rises in the east and sets in ...
One of this month's skywatching highlights is a total lunar eclipse on the night of March 13 — or more precisely, on the morning of the 14th when the Earth gets between the moon and the sun, and we ...
The Vernal Equinox occurs on Saturday, March 22 to begin spring in the northern hemisphere. Days and nights will be equally ...
Orion’s belt is the obvious draw to the eyes and all the stars in that quadrant seem to compete for brightness, though Sirius in Canis Major, the big dog, outshines them all. Rigel at the foot of ...
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (AP) — SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (AP) — Rigel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (RIGL) on Tuesday reported fourth-quarter earnings of $14.3 million. On a per-share basis ...