Smith is no stranger to hardships. The aftermath of his infamous 2022 Oscar incident left his career, marriage, and ...
As we prayerfully take a step back from conflict to gain a spiritual view, the peace God has established becomes more apparent to us.
The broad range of content includes worship and reflections across Network TV and Radio, with bespoke programming on BBC Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and across Local Radio ...
• Camosy: As you say, the encyclical itself was motivated in part by concern for new threats to human life that were emerging ...
For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God ...
While strong faith can be healthy, the intellectual arrogance and cognitive rigidity of true believers can result in ...
Ramadan is one of the most sacred times for Muslims and it comes to an end on March 30 with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.
Ramadan is one of the most sacred times for Muslims and it comes to an end on March 30 with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.
Ramadan is a sacred time for Muslims worldwide, emphasizing fasting, prayer, and reflection. As 2025 approaches, Muslims will observe Ramadan from February 28 to March 30, culminating in the vibrant ...
It’s intriguing to think of how we honor the virgin Mary at Christmastime, and how we can also rightly honor a prostitute, ...
It means: Run to meet those who are wounded, and ashamed, and hurt and who want to come home. Open your arms to someone who wants to start over. It means: Know the value of the second chance. Believe ...
Dr Gemma Simmonds gave the following homily on St Oscar Romero during Evensong at St Alban's Cathedral on Sunday, 23 March 2025, the anniversary of his martyrdom.Scripture Texts: Romans 8.35-end John ...