Two notes: the 21st century technically didn’t begin until 2001, but come on; 2000 videos are allowed. Also, artists and ...
The Garden City has never let a bit of wet weather dampen its show spirit, and organisers for this year’s Toowoomba Royal Show still expect thousands to flood through the doors over the final two days ...
Psychological thrillers, also cerebral thrillers, are a rich cinematic genre that might be one of the most misunderstood.
“Locked” is an intriguing movie that brings together horror actors Anthony Hopkins (“The Silence of the Lambs,” 1992) and ...
In May 1945, nearly 5 years after his capture, Corporal Jack Soden arrived back to his home in High Wycombe. At that time his family were living at 224 Desborough Road. With him he had his “War-time ...
T his San Diego neighborhood might seem like another buzzy hotspot, but it offers a vibe you will not find anywhere else in ...
This week I decided to take a crack at what I think are the 10 most misunderstood – or at least misinterpreted – songs ever. Now, this is coming from someone who believes once a song – like a poem, ...
"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass…. It's about learning to dance in the rain." –Vivian Greene 3. "The beauty of ...
The world was changed forever on April 4, 1975. (Don’t get a swelled head if that happens to be your date of birth. I’m ...
Do the right spring. Crazy little spring called love. You can spring my bell. Springing down the house. Fellowship of the ...
Many of us have been experiencing a lot of concern, confusion, and even hopelessness about the current events in our country. I hope the following words will help you to ...
Lean into the tranquility and romance of the moment with some rain quotes to help you be mindful of the weather. Listen to ...