two other ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary service: Sir Tristram and Sir Galahad were attacked by Argentine planes with disastrous consequences. The attack left 53 men dead and 46 wounded ...
Mr Rendell said the voyage, which has seen the team survive a hurricane, has also commemorated the bombing of landing craft RFA Sir Galahad at Fitzroy in June 1982. This became one of the defining ...
According to a piece published in the Daily Express, Justin Stoneman recalls that when Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram were bombed in 1982 by Argentine jets, it was one ...
Sir Peter Wall served as chief of the general staff, the professional head of the army, from 2010 to 2014. He retired as a general in 2015. He will deliver a keynote titled “Leadership and ...
Sir John Swan said he was surprised that none of the island’s independent candidates were able to secure a seat in the House of Assembly given the calls for change that he had heard across the ...
Insiders have told The Independent that Sir Keir will receive a “respectful” and even “warm” greeting from the new president – at least publicly – and we’re likely to see similar ...
The latest Astro Bot update has been released, and with comes a new Bot – Sir Galahad – and the Hard To Bear stage!
Our Royal Navy is the finest in the world." Navy Commander the Duke of York watched the spectacle from HMS Enterprise, the Princess Royal from RFA Sir Bedivere, the Duchess of Gloucester from HMS ...
33 x 20 cm. (13 x 7.9 in.) ...