Researchers at NASA Glenn are testing a new thinner, longer airplane wing designed by Boeing as part of an effort to make airplanes more fuel efficient.
The Nebraska flood of 2019 inflicted $1 billion worth of damage to Offutt Air Force. Six years later, a logistics squadron has moved into new facilities in the flood-ravaged part ...
Tired of flying in the same old pointy planes? Hold tight for the innovative “blended wing” airplane from ... Asian superpower is investing. It’s building the world’s largest artificial ...
What if planes had circular wings? The ring wing aircraft concept was once considered a revolutionary step in aviation, offering enhanced lift and fuel efficiency. Lockheed even explored building ...
Hermeus intends to field Quarterhorse Mk 2, powered by Chimera II. Once Quarterhorse is mature, Hermeus will build Darkhorse for military applications with the U.S. Air Force. Darkhorse will ...
Bringing engineering and creativity together, this LEGO RC car features a fully functional 4-speed manual gearbox. Designed for smooth shifting and enhanced control, this build takes LEGO ...