There is a clear frontrunner amongst his oeuvre, however. And that frontrunner is none other than Pulp Fiction ... we have for you for the time being. Stay tuned to the site in the near future ...
Bruce Willis celebrated his 70th birthday on Wednesday, March 19, surrounded by his daughters, ex-wife Demi Moore, wife Emma ...
"When you make bad movies and they don’t make any money, you can always go back to this character everybody loves," Willis ...
McLachlan plays the lead, Agent Dale Cooper, an out-of-town FBI agent investigating the death of teenager Amanda Palmer.
The agent’s description of Pinto Canyon being something of a war zone was confirmed in the news. Operation Gatekeeper has ...
Could have/should have won: Honestly, there’s a case to be made for any ... winning over Quentin Tarantino’s crime masterpiece “Pulp Fiction.” The film would go on to inspire countless ...
John Travolta, right, and Scarlet Pearl Casino owner Bob Granieri pose ... The star of “Grease,” “Pulp Fiction,” “Saturday Night Fever” and many other blockbusters, Travolta is a very recognizable ...
“There are 100 million reasons for these parties ... That “involved actual trade secrets” and the Pulp Fiction screenplay, an annoyed Freedman countered, “a very different matter.” ...
There are certain tentpoles of American film ... What more could possibly be written about Pulp Fiction? You know you love this and want to see it again. Now you can. Emma Stone took home a ...
This was not a luxury train, but even here, as in Indian society as a whole, the distinctions between the haves and the ...