As a result, this breed can be trained to be great therapy cats. This distinct cat has curled ears and a warm personality. They get along really well with their special humans, but are pretty open ...
When you need serious cuddles, there isn't much that can beat a bundle of purring, furry floof, and that goes double for a ...
The CFA's 2025 top pedigreed cat breed rankings reveal a mix of popular favorites and a significant change at number one.
Besides their size, cat breeds pretty much look the same. Turns out, there are 190 recognized dog breeds in the US and only 42 cat breeds. So why don't cat breeds have the same extremes in size ...
Meet Clara! Dear Clara is a young cat who was found outside but she clearly had been regularly fed. Clara is a pretty white with black markings 1-year-old with a confident, yet wary attitude that she ...