Trina Dennis Brittain is a reporter for the Rocket Miner Newspaper. She can be reached at [email protected].
If you haven’t picked up a jump rope since your school days, you’re in for a surprise. Jumping rope packs the same intensity as an 8-minute-mile run or a 20-mile-per-hour bike ride.
The latest SpaceX launch of Starship, the largest rocket ever built, has been postponed. The company, which was founded by Elon Musk, was gearing up to again attempt a successful launch of its ...
Such last-minute assembly is not common in the world of rocketry. Huot said the company opted to wait to stack the rocket system in an effort to continue chasing the goal of making Starship as ...
On Monday, the Australian Space Agency said it was expecting a Russian rocket's re-entry into international waters off the south-east coast of Tasmania between 9am on March 3 and 11am on March 7.
In that test, Starship’s mammoth booster, or the bottom of the rocket, successfully returned to the launchpad, but the upper-stage spacecraft disintegrated over the Caribbean, with some debris ...
Dork magazine put on a tour full of their newest ‘hype list’ artists and I was lucky enough to be able to attend one of their first in Leeds which included Vincent’s Last Summer, Polly Money and ...
Jump rope is often overlooked when it comes to high-intensity workouts, but in reality, it's one of the most potent tools for testing and improving your overall fitness. Whether you're looking to ...
Nineteen orbital rockets launched from Florida's Space Coast during January and February, accelerating the 2025 Eastern Range schedule to a record-breaking pace that would topple last year's ...
The only other example that springs to mind right now is rocket jumping in Quake, and that started life as an exploit, it wasn’t an intended part of the game design. Not so in Shotgun Cop Man.
If those four words have your mind “going a mile an hour,” (and that’s fast, in Michael Scott vernacular), then you’ll want to check out Mattel’s latest Polly Pocket Collector item ...