On this particular occasion, almost three-quarters of the moon's disk (74% to be exact) will be illuminated by the sun. And the moon ... Castor and Pollux, in the constellation Gemini.
Saturday finds the moon in a waxing gibbous phase. Of all the phases that the moon goes through over 29.5 days, a waxing gibbous is probably the most frequently observed. The word gibbous is derived ...
The vernal equinox occurs as Mercury stands still in Pisces and several of Jupiter’s moons transit in the sky this week.
Venus drops quickly into bright twilight in the third week of March and passes through inferior conjunction on the 22nd, standing some 9° north of the Sun. However, it is too dangerous to try and ...
The orange-hued star Pollux (magnitude +1.15 ... in the same direction around the sun, but the slower one — Mars — appears to move backwards compared to the faster one, Earth.
Space.com says Saturn will not be as bright as it usually is due to the position of its rings in comparison to Earth ... accompanied by the stars Castor and Pollux, forming a triangle.