President Donald Trump’s Executive Order against paper straws that was signed in February is already beginning to “use all ...
“Plastic is not part of our diet for a reason,” Leffel said. “No straws [would] be a better solution, because reducing waste ...
Maciel writes that, while flimsy paper straws may not make drinkers happy, there are many alternatives to returning to ...
They’re grasping for straws. Devout paper straw enthusiasts are speaking out as public opinion about the environmentally friendly sipper shifts to favor plastic. Last month, President Donald Trump ...
Sea turtle biologist and New York University Professor Genia Naro-Maciel writes that, while flimsy paper straws may not make ...
Plastic straws, once public enemy No. 1, are back in the government’s good graces. The news is hard to swallow for paper ...
The US government has scrapped paper straws to go back to plastic. So why are the plastic variety restricted in many countries around the world in the first place? When US President Donald Trump ...
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It’s not unusual to see plastic bans challenged or overturned. However, a government ban on the substitute is altogether new. It’s true paper straws can disintegrate and become soggy before we ...
Trump rejected paper straws, saying they "don't work" as well as plastic straws. The poor consumer experience of drinking through a soggy straw is one thing, but there are other problems too.