Weeds like Palmer amaranth make farming harder and less profitable, and available herbicides are becoming less effective. For scientists to find solutions, they first need to know their enemy. A study ...
Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and partners have produced complete, chromosome-level genomes for Palmer amaranth, smooth and redroot pigweed. The reference genomes expose ...
Palmer amaranth and redroot and smooth pigweed. The advancement represents a major leap in scientists’ understanding of the weeds’ biology, including their ability to detoxify common herbicides.
Weeds like Palmer amaranth make farming harder and less profitable ... smooth and redroot pigweed. The advancement represents a major leap in scientists' understanding of the weeds' biology ...
Background Various herbicide-resistant redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) have been confirmed recently in North Carolina, USA. Objective Determine which postemergence herbicides would ...
Tankmix with other products to control kochia, palmer amaranth, marestail ... Use pre with atrazine for control of pigweeds and most other broadleaf weeds, and use post with atrizine for control ...
Like any new technology, there is a learning curve to using it correctly, and the See & Spray™ from John Deere is no ...