Philips manufactures similar machines at varying prices. The EP3221 is the middle-tier option, so you can upgrade to the Series 3200 LatteGo, which automatically froths and dispenses lattes and ...
The Philips 3300 fully automatic espresso machine is $599.99 at Amazon, down from the list price of $799.99. That's a 25% ...
Philips shares fell sharply on Wednesday as the Dutch healthcare equipment maker again warned on China, triggering a big drop in its stock price. Philips shares NL:PHIA PHG slumped 11% as it ...
Roy Jakobs, CEO of Royal Philips: “We delivered better care for more people by enhancing execution and focusing on driving improvements in profitability and cash flow, as well as order and sales ...
Philips is vorig jaar opnieuw diep in de rode cijfers gedoken. Onderaan de streep bleef een verlies over van 698 miljoen, vooral door een schikking van 1,1 miljard dollar die Philips vorig jaar in ...
Consider a new report showing as many as 3,200 homeowners in fire-ravaged neighborhoods are struggling to make their mortgage payments. Remember, owners of mortgaged homes must make loan payments ...
Philips heeft voor het eerst in drie jaar zijn orders weer zien groeien. Ook de winst is in 2024 toegenomen, maar de belangrijke Chinese markt lijkt zijn interesse te verliezen. Het aantal ...