Thousands once flocked here, now the rows of empty shops including Costa, Marks & Spencer and Nike will be brought back from ...
As the German right ascends, the nation is still grappling with its fascist past — and how to handle its remains.
Built at the height of the Cold War, a massive town built to house British army personnel and their families is now slowly ...
PANAMA CITY — Ghost towns aren't just a relic of the wild west; they're actually somewhat prevalent in Bay County. Readers ...
Spencer, owner of SB Mowing in Wichita, has millions of followers on TikTok who watch him mow and rehab overgrown lawns. He ...
A pig, believed to have been abandoned for a year near a town just north of Edmonton, was rescued and found a happy ending.
CAVE CITY, Ky. (WBKO) – Several gravesites in Cave City are set to be relocated by late spring to make way for a commercial ...
Jerri Green says the city has more than 10,000 abandoned homes in disrepair, with overgrown yards, piles of trash and more.
A cluster of large detached houses is set to be built in the grounds of a derelict former care home in rural Preston.