Watson, left, student naval aviator, is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal at the National Naval Aviation Museum, ...
The military will be resuming V-22 flights with the understanding that “catastrophic failures due to inclusions is as high as ...
A US marine officer has been honoured for his heroism in saving the lives of his Lima company when their MV-22 Osprey, ...
Three American Marines Captain Eleanor LeBeau, 29, Corporal Spencer Collart, 21, and Major Tobin Lewis, 37, have been remembered as 'heroes' following a fatal Osprey crash in the Northern ...
After the crash that day, Watson unstrapped and shook ... However, Collart died while trying to reach the Osprey’s pilots who were trapped in the cockpit. Investigators reported that the two ...
The same thing occurred again after a U.S. military Osprey transport aircraft crashed ... on water,” but this was later changed to a “crash,” eventually leading to a temporary suspension ...