In the Latin Church, believers determine how they will observe Lent (fasting is prescribed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday). In contrast, the dietary observances of Orthodox Great Lent ...
March 25th is a significant date for Hellenism, as it marks both the anniversary of the Greek War of Independence and the ...
A landmark excavation, set to conclude soon at Old City of Jerusalem church, has offered unprecedented historical insights.
The United States is an ever-changing cultural landscape. As a nation of immigrants, we are a complex patchwork of individuals from ...
From Addis Ababa's bustling markets and coffee culture to Lalibela's ancient rock-hewn churches and sacred pilgrimages.
Traveling to Ethiopia can be an experience in two distinct worlds. There’s Addis Ababa, with its towering construction cranes ...
Vigneron, 76, who received sustained applause when Weisenburger praised his work, now has the title of archbishop emeritus ...
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish family takes part in the tashlich ritual, to symbolically cast away sins, ahead of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, in Ashdod, Israel, October 3, 2022.
and Oriental Orthodox churches deny women access to the priesthood, despite the presence of female disciples, deaconesses, and prophetesses in the early Church. In contrast, Anglican, Old Catholic ...
Dreher notes that the incense, chants and bowing that take ... enchantment with the world and more for readers to join the Orthodox Church, and in this it betrays a naivete that dogs much of ...