Um relatório da ONG Human Rights Watch (HRW) divulgado nesta quarta-feira (4) denuncia que autoridades venezuelanas estão ...
Escrevo em nome da Human Rights Watch sobre a crise na Venezuela. Como é do conhecimento de V. Exas., em 29 de julho, o Conselho Nacional Eleitoral (CNE) da Venezuela declarou que Nicolás Maduro ...
Human Rights Watch is working toward the realization of women’s empowerment and gender equality—protecting the rights and improving the lives of women and girls on the ground.
Heather Barr is associate director of the Women's Rights Division at Human Rights Watch. She has researched human rights in countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New ...
Human Rights Watch’s Refugee and Migrant Rights Division defends the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, displaced people, and migrants worldwide. We investigate rights violations arising from ...
Human Rights Watch champions human rights law to force governments to protect people and prevent corporations from continuing to cause extreme environmental degradation.
As autoridades venezuelanas estão cometendo "violações generalizadas dos direitos humanos" contra manifestantes, transeuntes, ...
Judges Set to Deliver Advisory Opinion on Occupied Palestinian Territory ...
Online Event: Women in Afghanistan; Videos: Kyrgyzstan; US/Egypt/Israel; Hungary; US Elections; Health. Get updates on human rights issues from around the globe. Join our movement today.
Human Rights Watch research exposes how people experiencing poverty are often more vulnerable to having their rights violated and abuses can further entrench barriers to people meeting their basic ...
The NGO urges governments to improve protection schemes, grant legal status and reverse "onerous visa requirements" for ...
O relatório da Human Rights Watch (HRW), divulgado em 4 de setembro de 2024, acusa as autoridades venezuelanas de cometerem graves violações dos direitos humanos após a reeleição do presidente Nicolás ...