And the future strengthening of works currently underway for Amprion and Rail Baltic representing several ... as well as the [Q] office building in Nuremberg for some €43 million.
The 34-mile Adirondack Rail Trail—for cyclists, hikers, and birders—winds through open wilderness while connecting scenic ...
On the shores of the Baltic Sea, in the south of Denmark, a massive engineering marvel is taking shape — piece by giant ...
Byway Maps is designed to take the guesswork out of planning a rail journey. Users input their starting location and timeframe, and the tool generates suggested routes that incorporate train ...
In the city of Del Mar, near San Diego, most agree the train tracks must move off eroding bluffs. But debate over its new ...
will drastically redraw the road and rail maps of Europe. The Fehmarnbelt tunnel may not have grabbed the popular imagination in the same way as the Channel Tunnel between Britain and France did ...
Leaving Copenhagen’s castle-like station, the train (5.3 hours, from 35 euros) traversed the five-mile bridge connecting ...