When AI rewrote the Barbie speech for nonprofits, it hit uncomfortably close to home from impossibly tight budgets to donor ...
Plus: Corporate Boston scores a win with Pine Street Inn project; NYC private equity firm invests in Legacy Place; local PR ...
Some Idaho Republicans are trying to expand a state government office by one position to handle all of the legislation.
Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) hold invaluable knowledge, practices, and philosophies that contribute significantly to biodiversity conservation. The IPBES (2019) global assessment ...
The Charles M. Kim V.I. Foundation, Inc. d/b/a Virgin Islands Museum of Art is expecting to spend – at a minimum – $15 ...
BERKELEY - As Texas swoons under an unprecedented heatwave, its governor has signed a“preemption” bill to strip cities like Houston and Dallas from s ...
Haskell was able to take a step forward, rehiring several employees who were fired without cause under federal orders, but it ...
In 2006, by the time scientist Sarah Cooley finished graduate school in marine science, oyster larvae in the Pacific ...
Last month, the House passed a budget proposal that featured $2 trillion in mandatory spending cuts.In addition, the most ...
Romney has joined the board of directors for a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing budget and fiscal issues ...
We are just a little over a month away from the city of Charlotte’s 2026 fiscal year budget presentation. Billions of dollars ...
Babins-Wagner joined CCC in 1992 as director of counselling when there were only five staff; today there are 80. Since being ...