A rover got a new view of some peculiar extraterrestrial clouds, flecked in rainbow colors and moving across the Martian sky. Curiosity, a set of NASA's robotic "eyes" on the Red Planet, recorded ...
Noctilucent, or "night-shining", clouds can be seen on Mars, just as they are on Earth. Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover imaged these high-altitude clouds on 17 May, 2019, using its navigation cameras.
In the mid- and upper-latitudes on Earth, during the early evening hours, thin and wispy clouds can sometimes be observed in the upper atmosphere. These clouds have an ethereal feel and consist of ice ...
Extraterrestrial theories aside, Twitter and Instagram users took some amazing shots of the sky following the rocket's launch, which was carrying a Navy communications satellite designed to help ...
An astronaut from the Expedition 30 crew captured this stunning nighttime image, highlighting a vast stretch of the eastern Atlantic coastline of the United States. One of the Expedition 30 crew ...
Rick Kohnert, Scott Robertson, and Scott Knappmiller with the two rocket payloads for noctilucent cloud particles. Dusty plasma is plasma containing small particles in suspension. In industry, dust is ...