An 18-year-old man was killed last year in a wreck where the driver was later discovered to be high on nitrous oxide.
Nashville police say two out-of-state men were arrested after they tried to sell 51,000 grams of nitrous oxide to officers.
An Oxford hospital is cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by changing how it delivers nitrous oxide to patients.
The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by changing the way it delivers nitrous oxide.
Revenue seized over 54,600 canisters of nitrous oxide last year amid attempts to crack down on the recreational use of the substance ...
OFFICERS STOPPED THE CAR FOR NOT USING ADEQUATE LIGHTING WHEN ... Highway Patrol officer found multiple bottles of nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as whippets, inside the vehicle, the law ...
In Orange, three people were killed when a driver smashed into a pole, causing the car to ignite. A nitrous oxide tank and several balloons were found inside the wreckage, according to officials.