It's easy to get lost in a clear night sky full of stars. It can feel like a random mess of lights without a little guidance.
Adding a new member to your family (and picking out the perfect baby name) is already a magical experience, so why not look ...
The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
You can tell spring has officially begun in the Northern Hemisphere just by looking at the stars. Here's how to easily spot ...
Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
You might see all five visible planets in your personal sky at the same time. Watch our magnificent sunset every night ... find Orion the Hunter. Below Orion’s feet is a fairly bright ...
Binoculars never get enough credit when it comes to stargazing. They don’t have as much light-gathering ability and ...
You may have been hearing about the Planetary Parade, an "amazing," or "once-in-a-lifetime," chance to see eight planets in the night sky.While much ... If you can find Orion’s belt, you ...
Dr Armstrong recommends using one of the many free night sky apps to help pick out the ... try and look for the constellation Orion which will be in the South East after sunset.
The seven other planets in our solar system will line up in the night sky on Friday evening ... both of which are relatively close to the famous Orion constellation. Mercury will be "just visible ...
March's full moon, known as the Worm Moon, will bring a stunning total lunar eclipse, turning the Moon a deep reddish hue in ...